Saturday, September 21, 2013

the dream to be human

under the tree and away from the city; beneath the moon but far from the sea. salt is in the air.  grass circles around the bare earth where the deer wait and have left the bones of the tree roots exposed to the night. here is where the deer wait to become human. the tree is magic but only because it is an integral part of the whole scene. you can see clouds of air from the deer's nostrils. it's that cool out this evening when they're trying to be human and their breath is that warm. there is no music in the tree because it is winter and the leaves are in another reality not even dreaming of their unfurling. winter's brief gusts of winds have a sound. they feel lonely. 

why is it that deer would want to be human?  only they know. only the human that imagined this story knows. 

when we have so much trouble being the best of what human has been storied; why wish that upon an animal that can come and go in silence and know the intimacies of winter, difficult and not, that brace their sides and frost their snouts. 

so much of our time together as family members or friends; as extended family or in-laws or outlaws, those of us not legally in-laws; or as people we know through work or from the stores we shop at, so much of our time together is about the experience of becoming human. each encounter a way to open up more of ourselves to this experience that in the story of the deer is something to be desired.

my friend brian died recently. for him, his leaving was a part of his experience that he believed will bring him close to his ancestors. he is on a journey. his human qualities still to unfold after leaving this life.

in this life or the next maybe we are like the deer waiting under the tree. it is the night that transforms them if they wait under the tree in the moonlight with winter near and the wind quietly passing through.

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